Here is a list of sites I want to steal LOVE to read. Because I am addicted to the Internets and my feed reader is always on the verge of exploding, this is only a partial list. You should check them out and tell them how great they are. Do you have an awesome site/blog/online journal/ thingy that isn't listed, but that should be? Drop me a line and let me know; I love a good new procrastination tool entry to the blogroll!
Totally admirable parenting (among many other talents):
- Sweetney
- Motherbumper
- Miss Zoot
- Pioneer Woman
- Foodmomiac
- City Retreat
- The Spohrs Are Multiplying
- Girls Gone Child
- Mighty Girl
- Whoorl
- Dooce
- Finslippy
- All & Sundry
- Mommy Wants Vodka
- Fussy
- Uppercase Woman
- Matt, Liz & Madeline
- Down Emery Lane
- The Greatest Marathon
- Sam and Finn
- The Dennisons
Seriously RAD photography:
- Chookoolooks
- Gabrielle Kai
- Kamee June
- Jessica Claire
- Pinkle Toes
- Pretty Good
- Sarah Ji
- Shutter Sisters
- Little Purple Cow
- Digital Photography School
- Tara Whitney/OC Photographer
Fun and witty and I just love them, ok?:
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